Thursday, October 28, 2010

Trick or Trunk - Setup

With the help of my oldest daughter, we did a test run for tomorrow nights 2nd Annual OLPH Trick or Trunk.

New batteries in everything - lights, strobe and candles.

Ipod preset with kiddie classics - Thriller, Scooby-Doo, Ghostbusters, This is Halloween and also to fit the theme....Bing's Crosby's Headless Horseman.

I'm thrilled with how it came out. The pictures really don't do it justice...It looks pretty cool in the dark.

Nearly 300 kids are expected this year.

It was pretty crazy...barely had time to take any decent shots.
Ran out of candy 3 or 4 times and had to keep sending our kids back out treating - just to get us more candy so we could keep handing it out! It was a viscous cycle!


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am honestly floored by your talent. Its people that are talented like you that make Halloween fun like it should be. Not all store bought masks with no thought or creation to them. I applaud you and envy your talent. I love the movie or anything Tim Burton does.
    <3 Take Care

  2. That is just super cool! The trick or trunks in my area are not even remotely a teeny bit that cool!

    And in the evening?!?!? Wow, seriously, completely impressed.

    Thanks for sharing this tradition from your end of the me hope that all is not lost :)


  3. Very cool! That has to be the best Trick or Trunk ever!
