Sunday, September 25, 2011

Looking to step back a little this season and enjoy more of my own kids ToT'ing this year and everything else leading up to Halloween.

Nothing new in the works but I'll still put up my display around Columbus Day.

Looking forward to Fall camping and of course our usual trips to Hackensack's Clinton Ave Halloween week and where the Legend all began....Sleepy Hollow.

Used to go to some pretty crazy Halloween parties back in the day before kids.
We were always about making most of ...if not all of our own costumes from scratch.
After we got there it was pretty much all about the drinking! Ha! Nah it was the Midnight Costume Contests!

Anyway, thought I'd list some of them on EBay now. They've been gathering dust in the attic for awhile and I felt sort of bad for them. If I cant go to crazy parties anymore maybe....just maybe they still can. Ha! I made that sound dramatic....I just want the money now!
btw...Email me if you know of any good parties. ;^)


  1. Cool costumes... I know a party that's right up your alley, google Rock Ford Plantation Headless Horseman Ball. Not too far away in PA.

  2. I thought I'd email you about your costume. I was looking around at costumes for Halloween this year and I thought about doing a headless horseman. I stumbled onto your page from Google and I have to say it's probably the most badass thing I've seen. It looks completely like the one from the movie! Great work!

    I wish online stores would sell something like it. Colleen Atwood would be amazed!

    Have a good one!

